
The game of mis-beer-having!

Designed by me (Felix Mulder) and illustrated by friend Kim Kheradmandi
Drink Drank Drunk the game of mis-beer-having was Successfully kickstarted in 2018
The game has since sold to over 20,000 people from all over the world
it has also been translated and localised into German, Russian, Romanian and Hungarian editions!

During the pandemic I remastered the game into an online version which was coded by Ignacio Dominguez.
The online version has seen over 100,000 players and hosted one of the largest new years 2021 parties with over 3000 people playing that night.

I created the game as a social party game which brings people together to have fun. 
Due to its design, the game creates some of the most memorable, unique and silly situations for players each time they play.
It took a lot of Blood, sweat and beers (lol) to get the party of a laugh-time (hah) to where it is today
but i’m so proud of what its become and to have been a part of so many people’s nights of laughter and fun!

As it stands, I am currently working on more localisations to new languages as well as some expansions to the game.